Thank your for visiting The Copper Cove Village Owners Association Website. Here you will find all the latest news and information about the Association. Feel free to contact us with comments or suggestions. We are always looking for better ways to serve the community. We also encourage you to visit our friends at Copper Cove Association
Whats New!!
Board Position Open
Cleanup Policy Reminder May 31, 2024 – Board Meeting Minutes 12/14/24
Delinquency Policy 2018 – OPT-OUT Request for address listing
Office Updates and Notices
We will also be accepting nominations for new board members !!
Pool is closed for the season. Thank you and see you next year.
05/22/2024 – Spring time is here. It is time to clean up your property. Please Read the Clean-Up Policy Notice for details. Due May 31, 2024.
- ABSOLUTELY NO DUMPING is allowed in the greenbelts.
- If you receive two (2) violations regarding the excess garbage piling up or around your property, you shall be required to obtain garbage services, and pay the fine in accordance with our adopted violation policy.
- No Parking on street allowed. Parking illegally, blocks through traffic, particularly emergency vehicles on our narrow circles. Illegally parked vehicles are subject to towing by the CHP. New signs are ordered and will be posted.
The Copper Cove Homeowner’s Association 8A Board would like to thank all property owners that show their pride by keeping their properties neat and clean.
Sewer Abuse – Calaveras County Water District has provide a helpful flyer on What not to Flush down the toilet. Please take a look at it. Its a great reminder. Flyer Available – HERE
No Burning Yard Debris – All Burn Permits are suspended below 3, 500 Feet, as imposed by Cal Fire. Please take all tree or yard debris to the local dump. Fines may be imposed from $200-$1000.00 for unauthorized burning. Let’s have a safe Summer, and maintain our lots clean and clear up to 10 Feet beyond the property lines.
New Electronic Devices Restriction – All Electronic devices are to be turned off during any Board of Directors and Annual Board meetings.
Email your Invoice: If you would like your Invoice emailed to you directly, please provide us with your email address with your next payment. We will email you quarterly statements.
Water Notice – Thank you all for conserving water during this last couple of years. Although, the water restriction has been uplifted at this time, please conserve water in regards to watering your yards and trees, and check to verify you have no leaks on your property, as it can keep your cost down in the future.
Mailbox Update – To obtain a mail box due to a change in tenant or property ownership, a CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP form from the US POST OFFICE must be completed before a mail box will be assigned.
In our forthcoming Winter Newsletters we will be presenting our Privacy Policy and a new Form to request your information not be distributed, in the case a member is requesting our membership listing. The new form will be coming in the newsletter, and you must provide us a written request if you are interested in this option.”